Mixed Colours Shades Set (Kö 144500)
Mixed Colours Shades set assortment of different wax qualities (no. 130 to 143) for fine colour adjusting and for transparent effects.
Transparent fillers: For the translucent adjustment of König waxes and for the repair of pressure marks on real wood surfaces without lacquer crack.
Coloured tints: For tinting König waxes.
Transparent wax special in Quick Filler, Softwax, Hardwax and Hardwax PLUS, as well as the basic colours, black and white in Hardwax.
Colours: 900 transparent white/901 transparent yellow/902 transparent honey/915 yellow/917 red/918 green/919 blue/RAL 9005 deep black/RAL 9010 pure white.
Deliverable: Box with 1x Quick Filler transparent 0901; 1x Softwax: 0901; 9x Hardwax: yellow 0915, red 0917, green 0918, blue 0919, RAL 9005, RAL 9010; transparent: 0902, 0901, 0900; 1x Hardwax PLUS: transparent 0902, 0900
You will need a gas heating iron, battery or electric heater to process this filler.