Professional repair and cleaning solutions for surface damage

Beltraco, more than fifty years' experience

Surface defects. We all have to deal with it from time to time. At home and at work. Often, you don't know what to do with it. Repair it or buy new?

Is it repairable? Yes, in a lot of cases they do. Our years of experience show that complete and therefore expensive replacement is often not necessary at all. Beltraco Benelux can help companies in the Benelux to superb damage repair. Since 1966, our organisation has been a supplier of various brands of repair and cleaning products.

We continuously improve the technologies of touch-up, spot-repair and renovation, cleaning and care of surfaces, to also offer these solutions for newly created types of surfaces. We maintain constant contact with our customers, creating new technological and product solutions, as well as new touch-up systems tailored to specific needs. We regularly train a wide range of the users of our repair solution in both theory and hands-on practice.

Product overview

The products offered by Beltraco Benelux are divided into six main application areas dedicated to the spot-repair and touching-up of damages on different types of surfaces.

News & new products

Buffi Flex

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AQUA Soft-Cleaner

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Accumulator/battery heater, rechargeable

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